Register early for your chance to…
Ride with NYCC (free first time membership included)
Win prizes from club sponsors
You may recall that the weather on September 23rd, 2023 was terrible.
Escape New York has always been, and will remain, a rain or shine ride.
There are extenuating circumstances like a global pandemic (2020) or a rain storm that meteorolgists referred to as “near typhoon” (2023).
In such rare and exceptional cases, the New York Cycle Club’s board will make the prudent decision and cancel or postpone the ride.
That’s what we did last in 2023 - we postponed the 29th Edition to September 28th, 2024.
The majority of the riders rolled over their registration for 2024 and had a wonderful time even thought the ride was wet. We are grateful for your understanding and support and are working harder than ever to deliver an even better experience to our loyal base and newcomers. Please remember that the membership included in your registration is good for a year!
The price for the ride is $159.
In September, it will increase to $179.
If you would like to bring a group or team to do the ride, please e-mail and we will work to accommodate you with a discount code.
Need a break on the cost of the ride?
Please send us an e-mail and we will do what we can to enable you to do the ride. In order to realize an experience of the quality we have historically delivered and finance club operations and the charitable causes we support, costs have risen as has the price of the ride. Our goal remains to make this ride affordable to all who want to ride it.